第31部分 (第1/6页)

refresh[ri'fre?]v。 使清新;(使)精神振作;(使)恢复活力

例句 It was such a hot night that I had a cold shower to refresh myself。 那天晚上很热,我不得不冲个冷水澡来提提神。

reluctant[ri'l?kt?nt]a。 不情愿的,勉强的

例句 Artists who were most dependent on photography were reluctant to admit that they had used it; because their professional standing would be affected。 主要依赖摄影技术的艺术家们不愿承认他们使用过这种技术,因为他们的专业地位可能会受到影响。

repudiate[ri'pju:dieit]v。 与(某人)断绝来往;脱离关系

例句 The worker was bound to the employer by a mutual contract that either one could repudiate; and the relationship was conceptualized as one of partnership。 员工因一份共同的合同而受到老板的束缚,这份合同的任何一方都可以拒绝履行,因此他们之间的关系也被概念化为一种合作关系。

reservoir['rez?rvwɑ:r]n。 水库,蓄水池;汇集

例句 Some scholars agree that the construction of small dams and reservoirs indicates the farmers are intensifying their efforts。 一些学者同意,小型水坝和水库的建设证明了这些农民付出了更多的努力。

residence['rezid?ns]n。 住处;居住,(合法)居住资格

例句 1。 The residence time of water in a lake is the average length of time that any detailed molecule of water remains in the lake。 By dividing the volume of water in the lake; the rate that water leaves the lake can be calculated。 水在湖里的停留时间是指湖中每一个精确的水分子在湖里停留的平均时长,通过划分湖中的水量,能够计算出湖水离开湖的速率。

2。 Archaeologists find that the most isolated residences also obtained some pottery and probably food from some distance away during the eleventh and twelfth centuries。 考古学家发现在11和12世纪期间,最与世隔绝的住房中也有一些来自较远地区的陶器和食物。

restless['restl?s]a。 不安的,焦躁的;不停的

例句 He found that caged birds became restless when they would normally have begun migration in the wild。 他发现那些本该在野外开始迁徙的鸟在被困于笼中时会变得焦躁不安。

restricted[ri'striktid]a。 限制的;受约束的

例句 1。 The produce was transported to cities where the consumption of fruit and vegetables was no longer restricted to the wealthy。 农产品被运送到
