第3部分 (第1/4页)

brown khak i; in blue and gray; would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words: Duty; Honor; Country。

This does not mean that you are war mongers。

On the contrary; the soldier; above all other people; prays for peace; for h e must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war。

But always in our ears ring the ominous words of Plato that wisest of all ph ilosophers: “Only the dead have seen the end of war。”

The shadows are lengthening for me。 The twilight is here。 My days of old hav e vanished; tone and tint。 They have gone glimmering through the dreams of thing s that were。 Their memory is one of wondrous beauty; watered by tears; and coaxe d and caressed by the smiles of yesterday。 I listen vainly; but with thirsty ear s; for the witching melody of faint bugles blowing reveille; of far drums beatin g the long roll。 In my dreams I hear again the crash of guns; the rattle of musk etry; the strange; mournful mutter of the battlefield。

But in the evening of my memory; always I e back to West Point。

Always there echoes and re�echoes: Duty; Honor; Country。

Today marks my final roll call with you; but I want you to know that when I cross the river my last conscious thoughts will be of The Corps; and The Corps; and The Corps。

I bid you farewell。



美国西点军校全称“美国陆军军官学校”。200年来,一直是美国培养领导人的重要场 所。学校因位于纽约市北郊的哈得孙峡谷河上肘状的三角岩石坡地上,该点被当地人称为“ 西点”,故习惯上又被称为“西点军校”。西点军校的教官们和军校生们也常常被称为“西 点人”。

西点校园及附属教学区位于哈得孙河上游的高山,依山傍水,风光秀丽,总面积为1600 0公顷。一系列哥特式建筑风格的建筑物从内向外被起伏的群山环抱。内圈为主要校园区, 由教学大楼、学员区、运动场与活动中心等组成。其中教学大楼及其周围的建筑被命名为“ 华盛顿楼”,楼前于1916年建立了一座展现华盛顿马上得天下的塑像。号称世界最大可容纳 全校五六千官兵同时就餐的军校大餐厅,就在华盛顿楼内。外圈则由冬季滑雪场、高尔夫球 场、训练与野营区等构成。整体建筑以学校的大运动场为中心展开,而校长的宿舍就坐落在 大运动场边上,象征着校长与学员的亲密关系。校长一般由三星级中将担任。西点第三任
